Saturday, May 30, 2015


Miller Place Civic Association, Inc.

Zoning Board of Appeals                                                                                                            Town of Brookhaven                                                                                                                   One Independence Hill                                                                                                              Farmingville, NY  11738                                
Dear Board of Zoning Appeals,                                                                           May 20, 2015

The Board of Directors of the Miller Place Civic Association would like to state our opinion on the Proposed Application #1 & #2 by Mr. Dominques for the property listed as tax map id: (0200 09900 0800 025000)(PB-CGA). While we generally support the application of the building, we have concerns which should be met before final approval.
Item #2:
1.    Further study of parking conditions.
2.    The intersection of 25A and Tyler is a dangerous section of highway. We recommend a traffic study conducted by the state DOT with the results/recommendations taken into account before final approval. 
3.    The applicant has not come to the Miller Place Civic Association to discuss these matters as is customary.
4.    While we find the building aesthetically un-pleasing – we will accept. However, we feel that the building plans should be further modified to meet required offsets from streets. We understand that a corner lot presents some difficulties with offsets and are willing to meet with the applicant to explore ways to increase the offsets from the roadways so that the variances are not so large.
5.    Increased buffering between the south lot lines for residential properties located to the south.
6.    As this site is located in the CGA, the size of building does not provide for the necessary and adequate space for natural and undisturbed open space as required. 

Item #3:
1.    The signage located within 0 feet of 25A highway is completely unacceptable.  This poses a danger for traffic in a highly congested and dangerous roadway.
2.    The lack of setback does not conform with other local business who have had to comply with the regulation of 20 feet.
3.    This sign would not conform with the recently adopted 25A Corridor study which provides guidance and legal direction for new signage along this corridor.
4.    The sign posts are brick supports which will cause significant injury when, not if, struck during vehicular accidents of which there are a significant number at this location. See attached drawing figure 1.

Again, we are not completely against these application #2 but recommend a traffic study due to the high incidents of traffic accidents on an this section of highway. #3 we are completely against. Placing signage with 0’ offset from the roadway is hazardous to public welfare and is not needed.  We request that you deny both #3 and hold open #2 until traffic studies are completed.  Furthermore, the Miller Place Civic would be willing to and encourages the Applicant to meet with us to discuss this matter.


                                                                                                William (Woody) Brown
                                                                                                Miller Place Civic Association

CC: Jane Bonner

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